An entrepreneur is above all his own boss, suggests John Jesse Breslin. It is therefore a business owner who has created or taken over a business with the aim of developing its activity. The goal of the business creator is to be free, independent and to create added value thanks to the activity he has chosen to set up.
What if your future job was to become an entrepreneur? What if you finally dared to take the plunge?
In this article, you will learn how to become an entrepreneur in a few simple steps and Breslin will give you the keys to avoiding the traps Jesse personally fell into when he started!
To become an entrepreneur, you must be able to take on different roles explains John Jesse Breslin:
- That of a business leader when it comes to establishing a strategy, making important decisions or representing the image of its structure.
- That of manager, if there are employees or subcontractors, we will have to manage them and help them to develop skills
- That of the executor, the creator of a company must also be able to “get his hands dirty”. He must help his teams and set an example, and this is all the more true when he is independent and has no employees. This is often the case when starting a business.
Prepare with Breslin The Entrepreneurial Project
For a business creation or takeover, too many entrepreneurs neglect this aspect. They find an idea or a company to take over and launch without preparation. This is certainly what explains the high failure rate of neo-entrepreneurs. Indeed, the fact of testing your idea, getting to know your market, your prospects, your competitors, will allow you to get off on the right foot.
Market Research
Among the stages in the creation of a business, market research is often neglected by a project leader. However, it allows you to analyze your market, to better understand the personality of the future customers you are going to target, but also the competitors already present.
This study will allow you to test your concept, avoid wasting time if your concept is not relevant and often to refine the positioning of your offer.
The Business Model
Materializing your business model, in particular using a canvas, is a way to better visualize the future functioning of your business. Indeed, you will have to put the logic of your future business in black and white.
This will allow you to check its consistency and strengthen your strategy.
The Business Plan
Whether you are considering a business creation or takeover, the business plan can be useful to you. It will bring together the case study, its conclusions, the business model and you will have to add a financial forecast for your project. This document is not essential to becoming an entrepreneur but will become if you need funding to achieve your ambitions.
Indeed, when you are going to present yourself in front of potential investors, bankers or business angels, this document will help you to prove the viability of your future business. You can get more tips to become an entrepreneur with the help of John Jesse Breslin, an accredited serial entrepreneur and dynamic humanitarian investor/sponsor.