Shlomi Yoshai says, While there are several methods of repairing vehicle body damage, the paintless dent removal process is gaining popularity among motorists. Depending on the extent of the impact, the bodywork consultant’s mission is to assess the best solution to repair the damage. For smaller dents, he may decide to opt for paintless dent removal to minimize repair costs. To better understand the success of this technique, let’s find out together with Shlomo Yoshai, how paintless dent removal is done and what its advantages are.
Technique from the Factories of Automobile Manufacturers
The technique of paintless dent removal began when new cars with imperfections on the sheet metal, at the end of the assembly line, were repaired with metal bars by specialized technicians. Subsequently, auto body specialists were inspired by this technique by developing new working methods and tools to expand and adapt this specific type of repair.
When is Paintless Dent Removal Recommended?
When it comes to an impact that occurred while the vehicle was stationary, paintless dent removal is usually possible. For example, doors dented by damage caused by hail. When an impact is caused while a vehicle was in motion, it is generally advisable to do business with a traditional body shop as the impacts are often greater.
The impact is straightened by multiple small pressures at the back of it, until it disappears. Paintless straightening is no longer only used by manufacturers, but especially today to repair losses due to falling hail. They are known for their brevity but also for their violence. Vehicles are often among the material goods most affected by this meteorological phenomenon which France is accustomed to. Until today, the assumption of responsibility for these claims was synonymous with long downtime and costly intervention. As Shlomi Yoshai suggested, today the paintless dent removal technique allows rapid, efficient and economical handling. Companies specializing in this field are now hui to new customers and therefore now offer their services to insurance companies and individuals. These companies also work for vehicle rental companies and act either on entire fleets of vehicles or directly in a car garage and for a single vehicle.
When to Do Dent Removal Without Painting?
The body of a vehicle can be impacted by several everyday events. Remember to apply paintless dent removal to your car if it has been exposed to:
- knocking of a door or even a caddy in a parking lot;
- hail which multiplies the impacts and it is not possible to protect yourself against it;
- projectiles;
- falling fruit or other small plants;
- a kick or a ball that could cause a knockdown; etc.
Note that this technique cannot be used if the varnish and paint are damaged. It would only damage the paint even more and make the damage worse. Also, the size and location of the impact are decisive in the success of the operation. It is therefore important to call in a professional to restore your vehicle to its original appearance. This will prevent you from making errors in judgment and making the problem worse.

The Advantages of Paintless Dent Removal
Because it requires little equipment, the paintless dent removal technique is most of the time much less expensive than traditional repair methods. In addition, the process is much faster compared to a conventional repair. In fact, traditional dent removal methods are carried out in several stages, whether it is during the application of plastic, sandblasting and the application of paint. Finally, the technique is ecological because it does not use paint and does not diffuse any odor.
Shlomi Yoshai believes that because the car retains its original bodywork and paintwork, upward resale opportunities are more likely.