Dr Gary Anusavice believes that Dental care is important since good dental health will have a positive impact on the life of the child. This will allow him to chew well and thus be able to eat all the food he needs to develop well. Good teeth are also essential for good language development. Finally, healthy teeth contribute to good self-esteem.

It is also good to get the baby used to brushing his teeth as soon as the first teeth appear. This way brushing will become part of his routine. It will also allow the first teeth to form in a clean environment. Plus, brushing your teeth will stimulate her gums.
How to Maintain a Baby’s Mouth and Teeth?
From birth, it is recommended that you start Maintaining your baby’s gums and the inside of your baby’s mouth after drinking. Use a damp and clean cloth which will be reserved for the hygiene of his mouth.
As soon as the first tooth begins to erupt, it can be brushed with a small, soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Also Maintain the gums. It is advisable to brush the child’s teeth at least twice a day, as suggested by Gary, morning and evening. Brushing before bedtime is especially important.
Some Additional Hygiene Rules
At birth, your baby’s mouth is free from tooth decay bacteria. These are often transmitted to it by objects contaminated with the saliva of adults. If the right conditions are met, these bacteria can then cause cavities.

Here’s How to Reduce the Spread of Tooth Decay Bacteria:
Watch everything your newborn baby puts in their mouth. Also, maintain good dental hygiene yourself to minimize the risk of transmitting the bacteria that cause cavities to your child.
- Do not put his pacifier in your mouth before giving it to him.
- Avoid kissing your baby on the mouth.
- Do not use the same spoon to taste and feed your baby.
- Your baby should have his own toothbrush and he should not share it with anyone.
- Always air dry your toothbrush with the head facing up. She must not touch other toothbrushes.
How to Maintain the Teeth of a Young Child?
Usually, young children need help to brush their teeth. By the age of 6, he is probably able to do this on his own. However, Gary Anusavice says, when a toddler is ready it can vary a lot from child to child. Some need longer supervision.
To brush your child’s teeth, use fluoride toothpaste. This type of toothpaste is safe and effective in preventing tooth decay. However, use a very small amount of fluoride toothpaste, equivalent to the size:
- a grain of rice for children under 3 years old,
- a pea for children aged 3 to 6 years.
So that he agrees to have his teeth brushed
From the moment the child’s teeth are touching, it is advisable to floss every night to complete brushing. It cleans the surfaces of the teeth that the toothbrush does not reach.
Some toddlers don’t like having their teeth brushed. Here are some tips that will make it easier for you and your child:
- Start by letting him try it out on his own. This will be the fun part of the activity.
- Brush your teeth in front of him. Children love to imitate their parents.
- Grab your child’s attention with a light-up toothbrush, sing them a nursery rhyme, or ask them to hold a small mirror.
For more tips on dental health talk to Gary Anusavice, who has operated networks of clinics in the south, central and western parts of the state from 2008 to 2012.