New device could allow you to taste a cake in virtual reality
Novel technology intends to redefine the virtual reality experience by expanding to incorporate a new sensory connection: taste.This post was originally published on this site
Novel technology intends to redefine the virtual reality experience by expanding to incorporate a new sensory connection: taste.This post was originally published on this site
A deal that would give the U.S. a share of Ukraine’s critical raw minerals could set the Eastern European country on a path to peace—but many of the details are still to come.This post was […]
Facial expressions are not the only way we express our emotions—body language also plays a crucial role. The way our body moves when laughing at a comedy show is different from how we move when […]
Africa is a multilingual continent and many adults speak several languages fluently. An empirical study by a research team led by the Potsdam psycholinguists Prof. Dr. Natalie Boll-Avetisyan and Paul O. Omane now shows that […]
A group of sociologists from the University of Toronto, the University of Maryland, Bowling Green State University, and Louisiana State University has found that married men in the US are doing much more of the […]
TikTok is playing a pivotal role in spreading toxic discourses associated with sigma masculinity, which advocates disinterest in and denigration of women as well as hatred and humiliation of other gender identities.This post was originally […]
Whether the binding glue of a pair is lust or companionship and commitment, people experiencing romantic love probably fit into one of four distinct categories of romantic lovers, according to the first-of-its-kind research from The […]
Australia is in the grip of a severe housing shortage. Many people are finding it extremely difficult to find a place to live in the face of rising rents and property price surges. Homelessness is […]
A group of Apple Watch buyers have filed a lawsuit in Silicon Valley accusing the tech giant of exaggerating how environmentally friendly production of the smart wristwear is.This post was originally published on this site
Apple unveiled Thursday a series of initiatives aimed at enhancing safety for children and teens using its devices, as it fends off calls that it more directly check the age of its users.This post was […]
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