The Covid-19 pandemic has completely upset stock market prices. Dr. Anosh Ahmed, an internal medicine physician and thriving entrepreneur, is set to explain to you Industries to Invest in for 2021. Some companies have lost everything, while others have skyrocketed. Gold and Bitcoin hit record highs. Several large IPOs, such as AirBnB’s, have been postponed. In this upset stock market world, but also detached from reality, on which sectors should we bet in 2021?

According to Dr. Anosh, it is difficult to say what will be done tomorrow. Will the pandemic disappear with the vaccine? Will the economic world be transformed by the crisis or will it resume its old habits? These factors influence the choices of investors, despite an apparent disconnection from reality. Stock market experts have already imagined the major trends for the coming year. Here is what it will be interesting to invest in 2021.
Experts and brokers polled by Forbes magazine gave a list of sectors that are expected to deliver good returns over the next 12 months. Having no crystal ball, they cannot predict with certainty what will actually work. But according to them, there will be two main types of winners:
Companies that are still profiting from the crisis and changes in consumption patterns
Those which were in free fall in 2020, but which are expected to be taken by storm by consumers during the economic recovery.
In addition, according to brokers surveyed by Business Insider, it will still be interesting in 2021 to bet on China. This year, the country has shown its ability to recover from the crisis. Chinese companies will be ‘less sensitive to supply chain risks’, explains Dr Anosh Ahmed. They will also benefit from Beijing’s major stimulus plans.
Dr Anosh Ahmed – Sectors that will still Benefit from the Crisis in 2021
Businesses Focusing on Teleworking

Telecommuting is not expected to disappear suddenly in 2021. Many employees and employers have discovered the benefits of working from home, Dr. Ahmed suggests. A large majority would also like after the crisis to take advantage of a system allowing them to work one or more days from home. Companies that offer equipment useful for teleworking (office, electronic office equipment, etc.), but also businesses that sell comfortable clothing. The firm Crocs, which offers the famous plastic shoes, has for example been on the rise since last March.
Health has been at the heart of the concerns this year. Companies that offer technological tools for the healthcare sector are now in the spotlight.
New Technologies
More generally, the post-covid world will certainly be much more digital than before. New technologies have made it possible to work remotely, to stay in touch with loved ones, or to shop online.
Delivery Companies
With the boom in e-commerce caused by the crisis, more and more parcels must be delivered to all corners of the world. And demand should not dry up in the coming months, even with the reopening of businesses. According to Dr Anosh Ahmed, the companies that make the deliveries are constantly improving their services and this attracts investors. He will provide high-quality healthcare to patients from all backgrounds.