Why saying you’ll ‘never retire’ may be a warning sign
Americans who say they expect to “never retire” are more likely than others to score low on a measure of financial knowledge, a new study shows.This post was originally published on this site
Americans who say they expect to “never retire” are more likely than others to score low on a measure of financial knowledge, a new study shows.This post was originally published on this site
When tickets for Green Day’s 2025 Australian tour went on sale, fans joined a queue—a ritual that has been practiced for decades on footpaths, on phones, and now online.This post was originally published on this […]
With housing affordability in Australia at its worst level on record and potential relief from new housing supplies years away, a QUT economist is proposing older homeowners be given incentives to rent out spare bedrooms.This […]
A study of 42 countries over a 20-year span found one factor had a significant impact on investment in research and development. Economic optimism plays a crucial role in boosting national productivity and research and […]
Eliminating taxes on tips—an idea supported by both major party 2024 presidential candidates—could benefit some service workers but the overall impact may not be that dramatic, says a Virginia Tech expert.This post was originally published […]
Having a robust emergency savings fund could help people weather financial shocks, such as job loss during the COVID-19 pandemic, finds a new study from the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis.This post […]
Part of many people’s pandemic experience included working from home. Even after lockdowns, videoconferencing remains a big part of life as people continue to work remotely, connect with families and friends online, and attend virtual […]
After Charla’s landlord failed to repair leaks that caused the ceiling to collapse in her daughter’s bedroom, she withheld her rent. Shortly after, her landlord filed an eviction case against her for nonpayment.This post was […]
Income and wealth inequality in the U.S. remain near all-time highs. Analysts say this disparity is a “major issue of our time.” Experts have spotlighted deep policy failures fueling the problem and helpful economic fixes […]
A new study by Zahra Sharifonnasabi, Senior Lecturer in Marketing and Co-Director of the MINDS Research Group at Queen Mary University of London, sheds light on the link between “home” and psychological well-being for people […]
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